Saturday, September 1, 2012


     I just spent several hours surfing the Internet, primarily other bloggers' blogs. It started harmlessly enough when I went to my iGoogle news page to read the news from the various news outlets I put on there. I noticed that Wiccan Moonsong had a post about the blue moon that is filling the sky tonight. I clicked on the post, read it, and started on my annual blog-surfing journey.
      Just so you know, Wiccan Moonsong is not a news outlet. I put her blog on my iGoogle news page because that is where I always am when I get on the Internet. I added her blog to iGoogle without taking into consideration what section I was in. I'm glad I put that blog on that particular page because I have been reading her posts on a more regular basis.
     After I read WM's blue moon post, I clicked on Next Blog because I know that it will take me to a random blog, which is what I want to do. I'm not sure I can call blog-surfing a harmless addiction - or an addiction at all - because I don't do it all the time. It doesn't consume my life. I am hoping that having Wiccan Moonsong on my iGoogle page will spur more blog-surfing moments.
      Blog-surfing "guilts" me into writing in my blog, so maybe blog-surfing is helpful. Perhaps, it will get me into my blog more often. During my blog-surfing journey, I often come across blogs that have not been updated very often and some that have been abandoned. A few have moved (and I happily went to their new abodes). Blog-surfing is good because it is a form of reading. Maybe I will pass on that tidbit of advice to my students. Generally, most of them either hate to read or don't make the time to read. Many of them think that reading makes them sleepy. I tell them that they are probably already sleepy and that reading relaxes them so that they can sleep. Reading is a cure for mind-racing. I've discovered that prayer works the same way.
      I like stumbling onto the random blogs. A great deal of ordinary people write blogs. Myriad topics are covered. Tonight, I perused a lot of family blogs and looked at a lot of family photographs. I suppose that will eventually guilt me into posting family pics on my Facebook profile page. For now, however, those photos will remain in my camera until I get my work done.
      Blog-surfing, actually, leads to other activities I have put off for one reason or another. Unfortunately, blog-surfing helps me to procrastinate on getting my work done; I have one more syllabus to edit before my Sunday afternoon writing class begins. Fortunately, I'm almost done with it.
      I can honestly say that blog-surfing has become a hobby even if it is not necessarily a harmless addiction.

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